Doesn't matter what i think about Vertigo but lets take a look what he did for whole time since he is admin [13/05/09 | 13:38:41] das - [[CtP]Vertigo] [speed] [09/05/09 | 10:22:25] Alex_Simons - [[CtP]Vertigo] [speedhax] [05/05/09 | 13:06:25] Lenin - [[CtP]Vertigo] [speed hax] [18/04/09 | 17:22:36] Fun_sk - [[CtP]Vertigo] [23] [25/02/09 | 12:19:17] zakiitis - [[CtP]Vertigo] [weaps]
5 bans for whole time since he is admin and giving him biggest admins level on server.Don't tell me cheaters are inactive when he is online.Was a lot complains by regular racers where are admins in the morning(europe time)
I was pissed when you gave him level 2 because he not deserve that.Didn't said any bad word but now i must say something
may be he is regular racer but like admin he is NULL and you giving him level 3.Well done
49) [CtP]Vertigo 51