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AdrenalineX Updates

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Update 11 - 16/08/08

* Added undo Key to buildmode, press SUBMISSION to remove placed checkpoints.
* Recoded 50% of gamemode to speed it up.
* Fixed DNF.Update 10 - 04/08/08  >>  09/08/08

* Completed the CounterStrike Deathmatch mode.
* Added code to allow for interior races (8Track,KickStart,BloodBowl).
* Added DisableInteriorEnterExits() to protect against weapon buyers.
* Added split times, now capable of seeing how far infront the leader is.Update 9 - 03/08/08

* Added player stats to Highscores page.
* Added Server Logging for future web based interface.
* Redesigned object structure.
* Added Track Name to client display.
* Added 4 new maps.
* Redesigned reboot system.
* Created a completely new and advanced deathmatch.
* Added undo button to buildmode.
* Added Special Race system to buildmode.
* Added DNF to players stats.
* Added /gcash to check players money.
* Added Old School racing mode to AdrenalineX, /classic ON.Update 8 - 22/06/08  >>  29/06/08

* Planned Hardcore Race Testing.
          Currently we have to 259 races.
* Planned Public Race Testing.
          Race testing complete.
* Fixed buildmode, we can now have races in the quarry and underwater.
* Added moomans Ammunation defence objects.
* Added Auto-Disarm if racing with certain vehicles.
* Gone through code to fix bugs.
* Changed the way we spawn when race is about to start.
* Added /changepass [oldpass] [newpass].
* Added Mikkels Color idea to script.
* Fixed text errors.
* Added Any Vehicle to buildmode, /vehicle [modelid].Update 7 - 21/06/08

* Added Admin Logging.
* Banned therealdeal.
* Fixed text errors.
* Fixed AFK TV.
* Fixed DM TV Camera.
* Added password security, no more .login ooppssss
* Added admin message, /aM [message]
* Fixed NewRaces system.Update 6 - 20/06/08

* Planned Hardcore Race Testing.
            Currently down to 243 races.
* Planned Public Race Testing.
            Script failure. Still over 200 races to test.Update 5 - 16/06/08  >>  19/06/08

* Improved race list, we currently have 299 quality races.
* Fixed commands that should be DRIVER only.
* Added LvL3 any-vehicle command for buildmode.
* Fixed empty car at grid bug.
* Added more /tv channels.
* Fixed Anti-CarJack camera bug.
* Added command to clear chat window.Update 4 - 13/06/08  >>  15/06/08

* Removed Seif admin.
* Added /killers command to see who is in DM.
* Added /pWeaons [playerid] to admin commads.
* Added Auto-Reboot system just in case of server failures.
* Added spectate system that works well with different worlds.
* Added alternative punish command, /sw [playerid].
* Fixed Anti-Fighting when in vehicle.
* Added command to change textdraw display, /alternate.
* Added Anti-Carjack system.
* Added Monster and Uranus to /gotoX command.
* Fixed security issue involving accounts, same problem returned.
* Added /banEvade [id] [reason] to help the evaders problem.
* Added player colour and vehicle colour saving to accounts.Update 3 - 12/06/08

* Redesigned textdraws.
* Added command to allow color changes, /chelp for more info.
* Fixed LethaL menu bug.
* Redesigned Buildmode vehicle selection.
* Added Hacker report system.
* Unlocked this topic.
* Added Beta Testing Team to improve script development.Update 2 - 07/06/08  >>  11/06/08

* Stickied R3t4Rds photoshop pictures request.
* Changed server to LAN Mode, could improve performance.
* Decreased MAX_PLAYERS to 55 to hopefully speed up loops.
* Fixed security issue involving accounts.
* Removed Paintjobs, MPH and Race Info till I find a more stable system.
* Fixed three broken commands, /giveXadmin, /skin and /givegun.
* Brought death races and maps to UK Server.Update 1 - 30/05/08  >>  05/06/08

* Added Server Development board to improve communication.
* Quick fix for Seif admin, helped by [BAK]ThePro.
* Restarting account system for Seif Admin, too many accounts.
* Fixed Deathmatch bugs.
* Added In-Game advertisment for our website.
* Improved /heal command, to allow admins to heal players.
* Improved RushHour system to keep Pro Racing in order.

great job :D

Yup, great great great job

Unlocked. ;D
All updates are done by the AdrenalineX Team.

twomed :L :L :L


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