General > Unban Requests

[STR]Niko [Monitoring]


Well I would not be registered at forum
but I registered because the adm [2F2F] WhooDInI
banneo of course I cheat will mark a record in a race and then vat 2 in the other and I banneo I have no idea that
Ironman but I know eh 3 had already accounts in the uk [VSR] Niko - Niko - and my current account [STR] Niko request to withdraw my banneo reason without having talent is not cheating and that adm that neither it conosco adm a bad because baneea without even asking
respected players on the server

Dude... post that message in Unban Requests. This is the wrong section. ;D

NIKO haven't u learned anything yet?  -> ->  TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM  <-  <- or LEARN ENGLISH

you are banned for using "Lamp Post Mod" oka?

do NOT ban evade and POST PROPER.


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